ESRs and supervisors at EUROMAT2017 conference

EUROMAT is the premier international congress in the field of materials in Europe, and is organised by the the Federation of European Materials Societies (FEMS). The EUROMAT2017 congress was held in Thessaloniki, Greece, from 17 – 22 September, 2017.

Prof. Andrés-Fabián Lasagni and prof. Gert-willem Römer, both supervisors in the Laser4Fun project, co-organized with prof. Rob Eason (University of
Southampton, UK) and prof. Ioanna Zergioti (National Technical University of Athens, Greece) a Symposium on “Laser-based processing and manufacturing” at this conference. At this symposium, some results of the Laser4Fun project were presented by prof. Antonio Ancona, Tobias Stark and Alfredo Aguilar.

